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Some Aspects Affect The Leather Bags Price

Some Aspects Affect The Leather Bags Price

On the market, all leather bags have varies prices depending on the typed, models and the complexity of the bag making process. Currently, leather bag is the popular bag product. This is the conclusion statement based on the high public demand for

For Current Business Models Challenges, President Jokowi Confirms the Role of Mobile Internet

For Current Business Models Challenges, President Jokowi Confirms the Role of Mobile Internet

The development of digital technology is now regarded as the answer to the challenge of global business model. On this occasion, President Jokowi emphasized to entrepreneurs IORA countries in the presence of more than 300 business actors IORA

Get to Know About Marble, The Enchanting Luxury Stone

Get to Know About Marble, The Enchanting Luxury Stone

Marble is kind of nature stone with different and varied textures and colors. Marble stone known for its unique texture and sparkling. To achieve maximal stone level, marble formed through crystallization process or metamorphic process wherein the

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Kusuma Furniture

Is a company which produces indoor and outdoor teak furniture products. Our prod...


The Jewelries Suppliers

This is site for you to find Indonesia jewelry products to add your collections ...


Indonesia Furniture Manufacturers

This is the home of the original Indonesian quality furniture and innovatively d...



PT PKBAG KURNIA, also known formerly as Perdana KarindoBag, is a private company...


Indonesia Export

Listing of more than 100 most important Indonesia exporters with hundreds of exp...


Betjik Djojo, PT

The Company was established in the early 1930s and its started its business in ...
